Individual Dental Insurance Alternatives for New York.
Question: I been looking for dental insurance for myself but I am quickly finding out that the plans I seen on line are just costly for me at this time. What I would really like to know is if getting a low cost dental discount plan really a good alternative to dental insurance? I see you offer a few dental discount plans on your site so can you advise if they are a good alternative option.
Answer: Dental discount plans are a good alternative options to higher cost dental insurance plans. However you will want to make sure you have providers under a dental discount plan in your area of in an area you are willing to travel too. Since with dental discount plans you have to go to dentist that are providers of the plan. There is no outside network savings.
Keep in mind that most dental discount plans do not provide preventive dental care for free. What they do provide, is reduced costs for all your dental care needs you have render at a provider office. Hopefully making your dental care more affordable.